
2009's Resolution

I know it's a bit late to post up HAppy New yeaR EveryONe and my resolutions. Ohhh well!! Better late than Never right.....

09's Resolution would be as simple as this:
#1: Eat right
#2: Don't be Lazy
#3: Do something to pump up my confidence
#4: Try to achieve the things that i've always wanted to
#5: Fix my screwed sleeping time
#6: Keep clean and tidy
#7: Absorb every lesson i can learn
#8: Start reading to improve language
#9: Pick up mandarin class
#10: Focus
#11: Stop slouching
#12: Exercise
#13: Throw away the habit of procrastinating

There...i know it looks and sounds easy....but it's real hard when you actually start on it. Need strong will and discipline which i am so lacked in. Aaand motivation to do everything BlAh!!

Stay tuned for next post it's a lil re-cap of old pics...Expired Pics =P

Happy 2009 peeps!! Mwahhhh..

1 comment:

shiengie said...


that list is a bit long..lol..
but i m sure u can do it!!