
My reflective biography

Falling and breaking down,
This is what happens to me,
I shut myself away from everybody,
Trying hard to be completely oblivious about what's going around me,
I build walls surrounding me as i thought it'll protect me,
This is my reflection,
It was my greatest stupidity for shutting myself away from the world,
I've missed out a lot,
While others are evolving,
stuck in time,
Lost and stranded,
Hoping someone would come and save me,
To my realization,
Only you can help yourself,
Time and patience is what's all about,
Easy said then done,
I was so caught up with myself until i neglect others,
I'd admit that i am not strong,
And i am ashamed of not being one myself.

1 comment:

shiengie said...

good to know that u got your "Self realization" worked out..

just kidding..

i m on the same page as you..
and i am feeling a bit home sick now actually..can u believe that???

and thinking of the future makes me feeling down a bit..haih..

but..to cheer things up..

next i m going to post the Optimus Prime picture up soon...=)