
A stroll down the blissful memory lane with me

Today, Jelly woke me up for exams shouting "Last day of Uni, wake up....wake up!!" my eyes was struggling to open coz i slept for 2 hours before exam starts...then feelings starts flowing through...yes bringing back the last days of high skewl feelings where u know that once u grad u would never go back to those life where DRAMAs, GOssIPs, StuPiDTy and LaUGHters with the group of girlfriends you were with will never happen after graduating from high skewl. No more committing skewl crimes with girlfriends and run away with it..the thrill feeling of like running away from teachers and prefects is not going to happen anymore, where days like that can only happen in high skewl.

Frankly speaking, i do miss high skewl times. Not that i love my skewl, the education or the teachers, is the life i have with the group of friends that i have met and other people as well. There were a lot of dope events going on actually..dope as in shitty events hahaha!!....i wouldn't say that i am proud of myself today because of my doings in the past. I regretted taking my education for granted and has made me what i am today. Struggling in everything i do and leads me to working extra harder to achieve what i want. This is a wish where everybody would want i think. That is to go back to the past and correct the mistakes you done. If i was given that wish, i would play hard and taken my studies into account as well. I didn't regret doing shitty things in skewl. I regretted taking my education for granted that's all and not exercising enough to get my ideal body figure LOL!!

This same feeling of unable to let go of what i have and to proceed the road in front of me takes me over when i was about to leave college and as well parting with a newly met colleague during internship. Appreciating life in college with the people I've met and the work that we do will never take place again ever with the same bunch of people. Rather living life regretfully, i try to appreciate what ever events during with them and laugh about it later on. Same goes for high skewl life as well.

Last few weeks ago, my long lost elementary skewl friend found me in FB and we started to connect back. One thing i notice about her, she's always saying how grateful she is for things that has happened to her although it was not as what she wanted. The word of being "Grateful" has never crossed my mind unless it's for my education achievements as i know i am never good at it. Other things in life that has happen to me, i was never grateful. I never took one second to realize how to appreciate things that i have with me. As she reminded me to be grateful with whatever things that has happen although is not the way u wanted it to be like. I stop to think again, i only appreciated the good friends i have made. As for other things, it never goes as i wanted it to so that's why i never appreciate or being grateful about it even though things are better than anyone else.

1 comment:

shiengie said...


law wan ni!!!!

just enjoy life!!!!