
A Getaway from Auckland city

What's new?...mmm...let's see...i just got to know that my convocation date has change to middle of February..which is one of the most amazing thing has ever happened...to me that is....after that i called up my dad and mom to tell them about it and also my best friend...whilst i was talking to her she suddenly took her mic up and put it up on her eyes...this is one of the weirdest behaviour i've ever seen and it's super funny..check this out...

Shhh...i secretly took her pic...muahahaha

Aiyor...yor...apa ni?!?! i really dont know what is she trying to do but its damn funny....she put the mic at her eyes there as if her eyes were talking to it...And yes say HELLO to my new credit card and eftpos card..look so much nicer than the previous ones tht i had..

See the difference....one more vibrant than the other one...Tehee!!but i like Westpac's Eftpos card tho..cuter!!Aaah...i was away for the weekend to some nice beach...relaxing and having fun...just purely FUN and away from the city.....While on the way to Corramendel, Grace had to stop a few times because of my Car Sick...so sorry guys..well at least we got nice shots of the sceneries right!?!?or mayb not~~

I know i look kinda hideous with the car sick face LOL...
The beach..mmm i didn't take much pic of myself..was damn lazy

Another one of my ugly moments of camwhoring..

Last days in Corramendal....

The Chef and Baker...
Yup....tht's my getaway from Auckland city with a bunch of people....nice people...i enjoyed the trip very much...i've not been happier in Auckland without u all..thank you for the trip...and again so sorry about the car sick...!!

1 comment:

cashysteph said...

wei create a chatbox on ur blog la!! haha