
Lost in translation

I wish there was someone who understands my feeling,
understand what i'm going through,
help me out and be there for me,
be my shelter when it's raining,
be my tree and shade me when the sun is shining,
be my telescope to show me the blinking stars,
be my angel to protect me,
Unfortunately, no one can be that shining star.
As much as i want to, i, myself neither couldn't even perform what i've just said.
Lost between reality and fantasy.
Once again, i'm lost.
As my soul has not return to me.
Have never learned my lesson even hitting the ground once.
Knowing that it will counter me back instead.
Why do i still risk playing it,
When the consequences of it is so obvious,
Feeling jaded.
I've lost the game.
Who am i to blame?
Only myself.

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