
Flirting Part:2

Hunger for knowledge.....

As i was bored to death waiting for people to get back to me after sending so many CVs out, i then came upon this book which my mom handed it to be before leaving K.L.

As i was reading i came across another subject on flirting.....This time is called

I find it very interesting. I didn't know that God has this subject on flirting too. What is this "FLIRTING WITH THE FORBIDDEN" means?!?!.....

There shall not be found you anyone,
who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire,
one who uses divination,
one who practices witchcraft,
or who interprets omens,
or a sorcerer,
or one who cast a spell,
or a medium,
or a spiritist,
or one who calls up the dead.
For whoever does this things are detestable to the Lord
Deuteronomy 18:10-12 NAS

Whoever has been interested in these kind of things will then meet the worse consequences of all time. Interest as in lusting for it, is bad. But if one has meditated and practice long enough, along comes the devil. This is not something anyone should be playing with.

I remembered my mom's warnings very well to avoid things like this. Even the simplest thing like palm reading or tarot cards reading in knowing your future is a danger.

I know life would not be easy. And so i rely on faith itself that i shall over come anything that comes in my way and i shall not give up on anything although i know i give things up easily when theres obstacles. If i am destined to be something i don't want to, i will fight it although I am very afraid of going through hard life. But let's face it, no matter what it is, everything is hard. Nothing is easy that's how people learn and grow. I believe i have every right to change my life as long as i work on it. But in all ways, acknowledge God himself that shall help me.

Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.
I will guide you with my eyes.

Proverbs 3:5,6
5-Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding
6-In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct your paths.

From the above that is quoted from the Bible which i have fail to do so. And i admit, i have been crossing my principles in life numerous times. Consequences of it, has made me realise this today. If i were to stick to what i have set from last time, things would be so much different. But then again, i wouldn't know what the bright side is if i haven't step into the dark side to look at things from afar.

A friend once told me "You do not go to church to find answers, you are there to worship and give thanks". Another friend told me, "Church teaches people how to have faith in God". And just now my mom told me " Go to church to build a relationship with God, then God will show you".

My usual thought was to go to church and find answers. Very wrong. Not having enough faith in God. Very very wrong. Lost my relationship with God all because of i've crossed the forbidden side. So wrong. Was tempted and i gave in to temptation. Which is another absolutely wrong thing to do.

Has my thinking change?!?! From what i have gone through...yes, definitely change and my vision on things is slightly clearer. But there's more to learn from here...


shiengie said...

so true..

the saying goes
the grass is greener on the other side..

u never know what you ll get in the other side..

its just the uncertainty and excitement it brings that just draw us near to the fire..

we know the fire is dangerous..but we let ourselves into it..

so since we have chosen this path..just take the consequences..

wondney said...

u know what i mean...LOL coz u r one of me tooo hahahah!!

shiengie said...

lol..or u r one of me!!!