

"Why would you want to flirt or fool around when you're in a relationship,
might as well, don't be in one,
if you're thinking of flirting or fooling around"
It beats the purpose of being in a relationship.

This is what a friend told me whilst we were doing some catch ups. You are right, thank you for clearing my head as it has always been HAZY on this subject for the past few years.

What does flirting means?
  1. Definition: Behave as if trying to attract someone sexually but without serious intentions
  2. Definition: (flirt with) show a casual interest in.
My theory on Flirting comes in 2. #1 Flirting with intentions, which suits the definition from the above. #2 Flirting without intentions, you talk but it somehow accidentally attracted the opposite sex which wasn't supposed to happen (or it could be not considered flirting, just crap).

Now, don't get me wrong here, i don't like my partner to flirt neither i would when i'm in a relationship. Has always been against it, as flirting opens a gap of opportunity for others to intrude the relationship. Here's the story, my previous partner was a flirter, i knew he was one as i met him and caught up with him in a wrong place. But, the place i met him didn't tell me that he is one. It's the things he says(sweet talker). I admit, it was against my principle to fall for someone whom i met in a club. And so, i've met the consequences of it. Nevertheless, during the relationship, as much as i want to believe that he is not one, i was just being denial to the max. Which leads me through a lot of pain. It's true though, when they say, the closer you get to something, the tougher it is to see. I was just too blind and denial to face the truth. As i want to believe he is the person whom i wish he was.

Turns out nah!! He wasn't and never was. Had a very good lesson, but was it learned?, it has yet to be reveal. Sometimes, it made me think that flirting was in his blood or something, because through my observation, his dad too is like him. I look up to his mother very highly as she can stand the fact that her husband is flirting right in front of her very naked eyes. Imagine how many years they have been together. I would have gone crazy. Why am i writing this again? Seriously, i want to get it out from my heart and brain as it has been stuck there for quite sometime. Clogging my thoughts and feelings, confusing me on what's right and what's wrong. I've been in a state of confusion for too long over this matter.

Questions are like these...Is it alright to flirt? If it's not, why is he doing it? And somehow, it leads to What does Flirting means anyway?.... So, now you know.

To wrap this up...i believe flirting is very wrong when you're in a relationship. Think of your partner's feeling, if he/she would to do that to you, what or how would you feel? And....flirting will only leads to more disasters as one is attracting the attention of another because of what?You don't do it for fun. There's a purpose to it Biatch!. Which i must say, IT'S PERFECTLY WRONG!! and it's not okay. Saying that one will flirt lesser would never help either as it is WRONG WRONG WRONG! How stupid is that. Flirt lesser. Makes ZERO sense at all! You want a great relationship and things to work out, fooling and flirting is not the answer to it. Being faithful, loyal, honest and sincere is the key to it.

1 comment:

shiengie said...

law wanni
take it easy..