
Ass a marketing communication student

Having obtained a diploma in advertising and marketing communications, i think i'm one of the worse student of all...simple messages that i want to convey out to anybody in a simple conversation it's always failure to do so..i find it that it is one of my main flaws and a very terrible one as well. Even since from young i find it hard to get my message across to others but yet i'm a communication student...What irony!!

The most basic and vital thing that every human does but yet most of us have difficulties in that area. Especially in expressing one's feeling is the hardest thing to do. Unfortunately mine is a different story. I can't seem to deliver what my mind speaks...as in into correct words and sentence and to actually speak out coherently when the idea is there....One more thing...bad habit...always loose words in my mind and worse when it comes to presentation..DAMN!! words are freaking missing as usual!!it's like wtf right?!?!

What i fear now is my future with my flaws...Flaws like this aren't minor flaws..Flaws like this are really big and it matters because it will effect my future job opportunities and even careers as well. It is a shame to even claimed that i'm a communication student and to even have a dream in wanting to be in brand management for one of my main career.


shiengie said...


you are what you think.
so think positively, and everything is going to come your way.

cheer up emo kid.

wondney said...

thanks for the support cb shiengZzz