
A moment in time

Sorry was screwing up with my layouts and all to get a better something out of it..guess it didn't worked out and later on got so tired of it so i stop playing with it so it's all UGLY now!!....NEXT STEP...is to re-position my whole blog to show u people "it's me" have to be a lil bit into myself aye~ planning ppl planning...any nice goodie ideas just drop into my comment box....SHIENGZ you are one of them to needa help me to re-position my blog!! You inspire me muahahaha!!wtf

Anyway, yesterday was an ecstatic night for me...my 8pohs called me up and txt me as well...i even get to see how my best friend look like after months and months without contacting her and our chemistry is vague...We even get to webcam together...like finally!! haha

They were having a farewell party in Chee How's place for Chee How like duh!..Damn that guy is finally leaving for London, UK...isn't that great staying with Weili 8poh....i wonder when is he going to graduate aye..hey i might come visit you guys next year just make sure there's space for me to bunk with u guys K!!!...Seeing everybody was having a great time and at the same time has the heart to web me up in msn melts my heart real bad.....And not to mention looking at them evolving each time i see them, gives me even more reasons to work my ass off to show them i'm changing too.

8poh Bird-bird didn't join them but she called my cell phone..."hey it's expensive for your bills but i appreciate it very much so just u know" muaXxx....Sweet i get to know things that i haven't know yet..Hey 8poh cb Lian..going to Paris and London for your birthday aren't you lucky and with a paid trip...i'm happy for you!!Is my dream trip u know T_T....Have a wicked trip over there aye

Oooh..and Lebih Jene changing her career to a stewardess....i didn't know that either...worked hard babe and i love your new hairstyle...something new from you! make sure u work ur ass off so dat next time we go for trips u can get us huge discounts hahaha!!

hrmphh.....i didn't see ffur though where is she?!?!Mun lye looks pretty without her boom hair LOL...same o' lian jumping one side to another...really when i see her so reminded me of Paul Frank hahaha...pls dun kill me...smelly mouth n hair wasn't there either guess he's having war with ffur downstairs TOO BZ or either they didn't turn up for the party..hahaha

I'm soooo happy to see you guys....make me soooo wanna come home you Biatches!!but have to wait till next year only get to tin jui with u all sigh~ but i do know you guys are waiting for me haha *perasan* i miss bbq times, i miss steamboat times, i miss drinkin times, i miss clubbing times, i miss shopping times, i miss wasting times, i miss tripping times, i miss doink times, i miss working times,i miss togetherness times and most of all i miss all of you..

I'll be back so wait up!!....Love you guys millionz and zillions u too weili xoxoxoxo

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