
mE fReeDom of sPeeCh!!

I was late for IMC class this week because of trying to finish the imc assignment work till the break of dawn...my IMC lecturer is a very nice old man he didn't deduct my marks for it tehee!!....can imagine aye now he's like a grandfather-ish look...i like listening to him teaching it's like listening to grandfather stories...funny o'man reminds me of my cheeky dad!!

Anyways, he was showing us documentaries about communication technology...one of the videos was about Malaysia...when the great Mahathir was ruling...he was the one who actually encourage technologies to wanna turn Malaysia into a 1st world country instead of letting aliens thinking that we still sleep on trees..

So, this is why he set a vision by year 2020 Malaysia will then be able to compete with the other 1st world 2nd world or third world countries. Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm really not into politics seriously....but looking at my own country now really disappoint me. I fully respect our once great prime minister who'd actually change paria M'sia to the now M'sia with high tall KLCC although it's a 5 mins of fame thing..After Mahathir retired and he was just u know trying to give advice on how to make M'sia an even a greater country..guess what? some politicians asked him to shut up n just stay retired n not have any business in the politic field..Hey..he should be respected and acknowledged in any way for his hard work in bringing M'sia up. Plus he has experience and he's a very knowledgeable man.

And what about the new prime minister? well, changing the vision that has been set to something else...CONFUSING people by being inconsistent with the message that he is sending out..

It's good now since Anwar is stepping in...i fully support him in becoming the next prime minister for M'sia..well, so far that's what i think coz he's the best candidate and wiser than the other choices in the list..And stop accusing him for sodomy...that's so boring AND so obvious that he was set up!!duh!! All in favor Anwar is the best choice...Hopefully M'sia will be in good hands when he rules....But seriously if the society have a choice...i bet everyone would want back our once great prime minister "Mahathir" my man!! he totally rocks!!

pEacE ya'll....

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