
Haven't reach the destination yet?

What an early entry for Wondney to post....it's 10.27 a.m down south here. Everyday the wheather is getting more and more fug up!.....Yes, it's me working. Finally, found a job. BUT.......it's not one to settle for as this is a commission based job. I've been given a very nice title. Shud take a pic of my own name card. It says : Nicole Law - Reporter....@_@

I too am wondering how the hell i got myself to be a reporter....?!?! Of all things i can be, but the job i did was more than just a reporter. Multi task..i am no good at it. But oh well, i am taking this as my stepping stone. Gaining expereince and trying to make my CV look better to get into a better company. Ahhh...life....sweet life!!! NOT!!!

Somehow, i feel like something is just incomplete. I did a stupid quiz on FB, "what kind of girl am i?"....turns out 0_0..i'm a lonley girl......AaaWww!! cheer up..i told myself...tht aint so bad lol...."Lonely girl" feel insulted but then it's true i am lonely. Could it be that i miss them too much? yes, i admit i do miss them hell lots and wishing they were here me instead of me being back wid them. Hey, at least i am not desperate to just find some boy and kill time or having the idea of being wid someone because i was lonely...I am proud of myself for taking time off and to realise that i am giving myself a chance to see a million things without needing to take other ppl into my account whether or not that they wud wanna do the same =D

Anyway, it's been a long time since i've blog due to stirred up emotionals that i've went through. I hope there will be better things to come in future. Please God, i have full faith in you..lead me to a spot where the light pierces through the black sky where i can find sweet serenity. LOL *a bit dramatic right ?!?!" i know hahaha.... well, shud get back to work now.. Blog again when i'm free.



Emoness Kicks in during Easter

I feel vulnerable and incomplete without you all beside me.
Enough is enough, i cannot take this any longer.
They say perseverance pays.
I'm still left hanging after trying so many times.
When can it END?
It's driving me nuts
I'm still thinkin......

Maybe it is up to I to decide now....
Afraid that i might regret after making it
But then again....i've got nothing to lose and nothing to gain.
It's just my heart is not prepared to let go.
Try starting today by letting go a lil...

Happy Easter Day everybody, May God Bless you in every way.